Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company went 2-for-2 on Saturday, July 13, winning its second Best Overall title in as many Connecticut Parade Marshals Association (CPMA) events this season. The second win came following the Tunxis Hose Fire Department’s 131st Anniversary Firemen’s Parade.
Sandy Hook continues to defend its CPMA State Championship, won for the first time during the 2023 season.
Sandy Hook VFR and Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps were dispatched at 14:40 to Berkshire Road west of Checkerberry Lane for a reported tree vs vehicle, with wires involved. While en route, firefighters were told a transformer may be involved. They were also told the driver of the vehicle was already out of the vehicle.
Eversource was also notified.
The first arriving member of NVAC confirmed the driver, a 60-year-old male, was already out of the 2004 Dodge Dakota Sport and uninjured.
SHVFR Chief Anthony Capozziello arrived on scene and further confirmed the reports. He also noted that while all wires were pulled down when a large tree fell on them, the wires were not on the Dakota.
Rescue 441 and a crew also responded to the scene. CT DOT was also added to the call, which closed Berkshire between both intersections with Chestnut Hill Road. Fire police worked with Newtown PD to detour traffic over Chestnut Hill Road.
A long stretch of wires and multiple poles were affected. Brush fires were starting on both sides of the incident. Chief Capozziello had Botsford Fire Rescue added to the call at the time, to assist with putting out some of the brush fires.
The driver was checked for injuries, and was not transported.
Botsford cleared at 15:33.
Firefighters remained on scene until the vehicle was towed. Eversource and DOT were on the scene.
Sandy Hook cleared at 15:58.
The crash kept Berkshire closed for hours, until all poles could be repaired and all wires rehung.
View from the west.
Firefighters walk toward Checkerberry Lane to continue locating brush fires.